Friday, October 10, 2008

The Columbia River Gorge

It definitely feels like Fall has arrived here in the Tri Cities.  We woke up to a frosty, cold morning and we had to get out our gloves and warmer jackets. As I was driving around this morning I was thinking about how we live a in new place with new Autumn scenery to see. 

I couldn't help thinking about some pictures I had taken last year during October.  The one above is one of my favorites. I had planned in advance to take a day and drive down the old Scenic Highway in the Columbia River Gorge.  I was very sad to wake up that day to a rainy, misty morning and the weather forecast did not look promising for the rest of the day either. But, I decided to go ahead and go anyway.  

The picture above was one that I overlooked during my initial pass through of the images from that day.  It sat discarded in the toss pile for months. For some reason I decided to look through those discards a few months ago and I was drawn to this image. The more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of the different moods of the Gorge.  I decided that maybe it was a keeper after all. 

Even though it was rainy that day I had made the best of it!  We ended up having a great adventure that day, rain and all! This image will always remind me of that day we spent as a family and the many moods of the Columbia River Gorge. 

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