Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

Again, it has been far too long since my last post! The holidays were a whirlwind of activity in our household. It was a wonderful season spent with friends and family. One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is getting the holiday cards from those who are near and far. It is such a wonderful time of reconnecting and getting a glimpse into the lives of those we care about. It can make it seem like we don't live so far apart from each other after all. We are blessed to have friends who live all over the country and even have some who live overseas.

Now that the holidays are over and as we start a new year it is hard not to feel a little bit of let down after all of the hubbub of Thanksgiving and Christmas. January can tend to feel like a drab and dreary month after all of the color and festivities of the holidays ~ all the decorations have been put away and the anticipation is over. My understanding is the month of January can typically be a bit dreary and drab here in the Tri Cities weatherwise. As I recall, the month of January last year did fit that description but it was our first year here so I wasn't sure what to expect. Well, so far January is starting out in the typical fashion. I find myself longing for Spring already! I long for the bright lights and color that Spring will bring!

The picture above was taken in Wallowa, Oregon on a beautiful April morning in 2009. When I look at it, I see the promise of Spring. The sun will shine and the grass will be a vibrant green once again. I am already dreaming about the day that the first daffodil will make its appearance in our yard.

Although, if it decided to snow a couple of more times this winter I have some children who would be quite happy with that!

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