Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finding My Light Again...

Lately I have been trying to focus on the true blessings that I have in my life.  How truly blessed I am to have such a caring and wonderful family and some fantastic friends!  Sometimes, I think it can be all too easy to get caught up in the daily humdrum of life and forget how truly fortunate I am.  

The last year has been quite an adjustment for me to be honest.  I heard recently that it can take up to two years to adjust to a move.  I can see how that can be true.  Trying to figure out where to shop, adjusting to new jobs and just meeting new people can be hard.  You can feel like an outsider for a while.  I have known people that thrive on moving and exploring new places.  In ways, I wish I could be more like them.  I have discovered that I tend to be a creature of habit, whether I like to admit it or not.   

I have focused most of my energy in the last year in selling our old house, buying a new one, getting kids adjusted to new surroundings and to new schools, saying good bye to my old job and learning a new one all while trying to learn the ways of a  new town.  One of the hardest parts of leaving Vancouver was saying goodbye to all of our friends.  (Thank goodness for facebook!). There have definitely been some times along this path that haven't been easy.  So what do I think a year out from making a decision to make a big move? 

Honestly, I can say that I don't regret the decision to move.  Sure, there are lots of things that I miss about Vancouver.  But I think our experiences here have been some wonderful gifts to us.  Kendall and I have learned a lot about ourselves and each other (i.e. how much I MISS Burgerville! ).  We have met some wonderful people here in the Tri Cities who have made us feel very welcome. I think it has helped our kids to grow as well. They have had to adjust to making new friends and going to new schools.  They just finished their first year at their new schools and as hard as it was in the beginning, truly, I have seen many more smiles than tears.  They have come out on the other side excited about going back next year and they seem to feel good about their experience.  

On a personal note, I think that I have had the hardest time adjusting. That was a hard one for me to admit. Photography which has been a huge passion of mine has been set aside more than I would have liked. Sometimes, photography takes energy that I felt I didn't have to give.  My friend nailed it on the head the other day when she told me that I "needed to find my light again". I haven't been out searching for my "light" like I should have been. It is time to find that energy again and not let the excuses get in the way. Photography is a great form of expression for me.  I need to be expressing myself more! 

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