I was inspired this morning to post some pictures from one of my favorite places in the ENTIRE world. As a photographer, I have always wanted to capture the world as I see it. My own little take on the world so to speak. My biggest hope is that my images can touch someone's soul, maybe draw them in for just a little while, possibly even let them experience something they have never seen before. For others, maybe my images will spark some wonderful memories of a place or a person. When this happens and I hear about it, wow! It is so wonderful and makes me feel like I have accomplished what I set out to do.
Wallowa Lake is located in northeastern Oregon and it has always been a magical and sacred place for me. When I was child I would spend part of summers with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins in the town of Wallowa. We would always visit the lake, we would picnic, take hikes, pick berries and be free to experience the natural beauty that surrounded us. Some of my very best childhood memories come from this place. It is the place that I think of when asked to think of some "place" that is special to you. It is a place that when I go back there now as an adult, it transports me immediately to those special memories of childhood. Right now, if I close my eyes I can smell the aroma of the trees, I can hear the rambling river off in the distance, the crunch of the ground beneath my feet as I wander, in my mind's eye, through the beauty that is Wallowa Lake. The lake itself has so many shades of blue and seems to have a unique beauty that almost seems to instantly calm my soul. I truly hope that everyone has a place like this they can escape to, even if it is only in their mind's eye.
Up Around the Bend