I have been at a loss for words since the sudden passing of our sweet little husky, Sierra. My heart still aches when I think of her, which is a daily. I miss her sweet little face and how she adored our children. Her beautiful spirit was always so happy and eager to please her "people". My children keep telling me how unfair it was to lose her so soon. She was only 5 years old and I have to agree - it was totally unfair. We lost her to salmon poisoning which apparently is a very rare event. It only seems to happen in the Pacific Northwest. Dogs can get this from ingesting any part of a wild fish that is infected with a parasite called Nanophyetus Salmoncola. Usually this parasite itself is harmless but the danger occurs when the parasite itself is infected with a rickettsail organism called Neorickettsia helintheocalt. This microorganism is what causes the salmon poisoning. Dogs appear to be the only species that is susceptible to getting the salmon poisoning (i.e. cats, raccoons and bears don't get it even though they eat raw fish). Often times the treatment of administering an antibiotic and a de wormer can save a dog's life but sadly in our case it wasn't enough. We tried everything possible to save her. We lost her within a week of taking her to a lake in northern Idaho.
Our family has had a really hard time dealing with the loss of such a wonderful dog. But I do know that we will always carry her in our hearts. She blessed our lives with so much affection and the joy of her spirit. I find myself listening for her. Our house seems so quiet and empty with out her.
A fascinating thing has been happening in the days since we lost her. We have seen a multitude of dragonflies where ever we go. They will come and fly up to our windows and hover there. They jet around the back yard while we sit out on the deck. The other day my son told me that one was following me as we walked outside. I have been doing some research on dragonflies and what some cultures think they symbolize. In essence they represent the brevity of life and how we must live life to the fullest - making each moment special. The dragonfly lives a very short life but it knows how to life life to the fullest with the time it has been given. I believe that our little Sierra lived her short life to the fullest!
The picture above is one that I took of Sierra a few years ago. It is a familiar scene at our house. She ALWAYS waited for the kids to get off the bus every afternoon. Like clockwork she would go over to the window and sit and wait. She knew that her "kids" were going to be home soon. Sierra would greet them with so much love as they walked through the door. I had titled this image "Waiting..." It has always been one of my favorite photos in my collection It truly represents her essence. I will cherish it always. I know in my heart that Sierra is waiting for us until we see her again. We love and miss you little girl ... until we see you again someday.